Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. Particularly speaking, I love this album! I could choose any track from this disc, even those that isn't a single. I chose "You Said Something", because I think it's beautiful this phrase: "you said something that I've never forgotten."
domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City...
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. Particularmente falando, eu adoro este álbum! Poderia escolher qualquer música deste disco, mesmo não sendo single. Fico com "You Said Something", pois acho bonita a frase: "you said something that I've never forgotten."
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. Particularly speaking, I love this album! I could choose any track from this disc, even those that isn't a single. I chose "You Said Something", because I think it's beautiful this phrase: "you said something that I've never forgotten."
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. Particularly speaking, I love this album! I could choose any track from this disc, even those that isn't a single. I chose "You Said Something", because I think it's beautiful this phrase: "you said something that I've never forgotten."
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City...
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. "This Mess We're In" é uma faixa que conta com a participação do vocalista do Radiohead, Thom Yorke.
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. "This Mess We're In" is a track with features Radiohead's singer, Thom Yorke.
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. "This Mess We're In" is a track with features Radiohead's singer, Thom Yorke.
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City...
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. O quinto álbum de Polly Jean foi considerado por muitos críticos como o melhor disco da carreira da cantora. Segundo single do álbum, "A Place Called Home" costumava passar na MTV Brasil com certa frequência na época de seu lançamento.
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. The fifth album by Polly Jean was considered by many critics as the best album of her carreer. The second single from this album, "A Place Called Home" video used to pass on Brazillian MTV with a certain frequency when it was released.
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. The fifth album by Polly Jean was considered by many critics as the best album of her carreer. The second single from this album, "A Place Called Home" video used to pass on Brazillian MTV with a certain frequency when it was released.
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City...
Especial PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. O quinto álbum da cantora inglesa é marcado pelo seu amor à cidade de Nova Iorque. É o segundo álbum mais vendido da carreira dela, com direito a um Mercury Prize de 2001, além de figurar entre os 500 maiores discos de todos os tempos eleito pela revista Rolling Stone.
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. The fifth album by English singer is highlighted by her love to New York City. It's the second major commercial success, with a 2001 Mercury Prize and among the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time.
Special PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea. The fifth album by English singer is highlighted by her love to New York City. It's the second major commercial success, with a 2001 Mercury Prize and among the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time.
Desenho: Céu Imaginado / Drawing: Imagined Sky
Recentemente tive um sonho cuja situação era apocalíptica: estava numa vila, um ambiente bucólico sem eletricidade, com vastos espaços cobertos com gramas, onde seus moradores estavam desesperados, pois não existia mais o sol. Os habitantes não sabiam o que fazer, não tinham a quem recorrer diante de tamanha tragédia. Em meio a isso, eu digo a seguinte frase (ou pelo menos é o que me recordo dela): "Mesmo que o sol esteja extinto, eu faço todas as estrelas das galáxias iluminarem o seu caminho."
Imagino que muitos me perguntariam se eu direcionei esta frase para alguém em especial. Eu não descartaria essa hipótese, mas também não sou capaz de afirmar com precisão se este é o significado real. Sonhos são abstratos, de múltiplas possibilidades de interpretações. O que eu escolho ressaltar na frase em si é não somente a intensidade do que se quis transmitir; é a certeza absoluta de realizar o impossível. Quem sou eu para fazer as estrelas brilharem?
O céu no sonho era uma completa escuridão, salvo às luzes das lamparinas nas casas. O fato de eu ter ficado com esta frase na cabeça me inspirou a desenhar como seria esse céu estrelado - o que logo me lembrou da pintura de Vincent Van Gogh. Eu não queria simplesmente imitar tal obra de arte, apesar de ter feito uma pequena homenagem no desenho e pintar com força - característica das pinturas do pós-impressionista holandês. Reconheço que careço de técnica usando lápis de cor; ainda assim, prefiro praticar e colocar o que tenho em mente no papel.
Um dos desenhos mais ousados que fiz, pois neste caso, não me importei em ser detalhista, nem no que as pessoas iriam pensar: simplesmente procurei transmitir sensações e emoções através do contato entre o lápis de cor e o papel. Senti que ficaria chato se fosse uma imagem somente de estrelas, então já que a imaginação é minha, por que não ir além? Resolvi abusar da criatividade!
Quando o assunto é astronomia, meu conhecimento é nível infantil: eu gosto de observar as figuras! Mas nada que uma pesquisada prévia não me auxilie para a criação do meu desenho. Temos uma galáxia aleatória, o surgimento de corpos celestes após uma explosão de estrelas (também conhecido como supernova), um buraco negro (propositalmente sem muitas cores ao redor), um cometa, além da constelação de Libra e claro: estrelas.
Trilha sonora para este desenho: Lana Del Rey, "Blue Jeans" - "I will love you till the end of times, I would wait a million years."
Recently I had a dream whose situation was apocalyptic: I was on a village, a bucolic environment with no electricity, with huge spaces covered with grass, where their inhabitants were hopeless, because there was no Sun. Dwellers didn't know what to do, didn't have who to call on against such a enormous tragedy. Amid this, I said the following phrase: "Even the Sun is extinct, I make all the stars from galaxies enlighten your path."
I could imagine many people would ask me if I head this phrase towards someone in special. I wouldn't reject this hypothesis, but also I'm not able to affirm with precision if this is the real meaning. Dreams are abstracts, with multiple possibilities of interpretations. I choose to emphasize on phrase is not only the intensity what I wanted to communicate; it's the absolute confidence to achieve the impossible. Who am I to make the stars shine?
Sky in my dream was a complete darkness, saving the lamp lights from resident people. The fact I've got this phrase in my mind inspired me to draw how it would be this starry sky - what soon reminds me Vincent Van Gogh's picture. I wouldn't just copy such masterpiece, although I made a little tribute in my drawing and paint with strength - technical features by Dutch post-Impressionist. I recognize I need some techniques using coloured pencils; I prefer practicing and put what I have in my mind on paper nevertheless.
One of the most audacious drawing I've made, because in this case, I didn't matter to fill the blanks with full of details and I didn't care about what people would think about it: I simply tried to transfer sensations and emotions through the contact between coloured pencil and paper. I felt it would be boring if I made just a image full of stars, so since it's my imagination, why I don't go farther? I decided to abuse creativity!
When the subject is astronomy, my knowledge is childlike level: I like to look at the figures! But nothing better than a previous survey couldn't help me to create my drawing. We have a random galaxy, the appearance of celestial bodies after an explosions of stars (also known as supernova), a black hole (with no many colour around it designedly), a comet, beyond Libra's constellation and off course, stars.
Soundtrack for this drawing: Lana Del Rey, "Blue Jeans" - "I will love you till the end of times, I would wait a million years."
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013
Especial PJ Harvey - Is This Desire?
Especial PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Apesar da preferência da Polly Jean por este disco, a recepção do álbum despertou opiniões distintas. Optei em "Angelene" pois é um som que a cantora costuma tocar nos shows.
Special PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Despite Polly Jean's preference by this album, album's reception aroused distinct opinions. I chose "Angelene" because it's a song she uses to play in concerts.
Special PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Despite Polly Jean's preference by this album, album's reception aroused distinct opinions. I chose "Angelene" because it's a song she uses to play in concerts.
Especial PJ Harvey - Is This Desire?
Especial PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Produzido por Flood, Head e pela cantora inglesa, é o álbum que PJ Harvey tem mais orgulho de ter lançado. Foi extremamente difícil explorar técnicas jamais utilizadas além de desencanar com a opinião alheia.
Special PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Produced by Flood, Head and own singer, this is the album which PJ Harvey's proudest album she released. It was extremely difficult to explore techniques she'd never used before and she doesn't matter with opinion of others.
Special PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? Produced by Flood, Head and own singer, this is the album which PJ Harvey's proudest album she released. It was extremely difficult to explore techniques she'd never used before and she doesn't matter with opinion of others.
Especial PJ Harvey - Bonus Track
Especial PJ Harvey - Bonus Track. Na mesma época em que foi lançado o terceiro álbum de Polly Jean, ela fez uma cover ao vivo de (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction ao lado da Bjork no Brit Awards de 1994.
Special PJ Harvey - Bonus Track. At the same time when Polly Jean's third album was released, she made a live cover version of (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction with Bjork in Brit Awards from 1994.
Special PJ Harvey - Bonus Track. At the same time when Polly Jean's third album was released, she made a live cover version of (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction with Bjork in Brit Awards from 1994.
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. Em "Send His Love To Me", Polly Jean implora para que seja amada por ele, o qual a faz sofrer pela sua ausência.
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. IN "Send His Love To Me", Polly Jean begs to be loved by him, which makes her suffer due to his absence.
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. IN "Send His Love To Me", Polly Jean begs to be loved by him, which makes her suffer due to his absence.
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. Polly Jean implora para que Billy volte para casa e encontre seu filho em "C'mon Billy". Na opinião dos críticos, esta faixa tem influência de bandas como Jon Spencer Blues Explosion e Portishead.
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. Polly Jean begs to Billy come back home and meet his son in "C'mon Billy". In critics' opinion, this track has influences such as Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and Portishead.
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. Polly Jean begs to Billy come back home and meet his son in "C'mon Billy". In critics' opinion, this track has influences such as Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and Portishead.
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love
Especial PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. O terceiro álbum da pequena inglesa foi produzido por Flood, conhecido pelo seu trabalho com bandas como U2, Depeche Mode e Nine Inch Nails. É considerado o álbum que revelou a cantora e também o que mais vendeu na carreira dela.
"Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water.
Come back here, man, gimme my daughter."
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. The thrid album by Polly Jean was produced by Flood, known by his work with bands like U2, Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails. It's considered her breakthrough and also her best-selling album.
"Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water.
Come back here, man, gimme my daughter."
"Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water.
Come back here, man, gimme my daughter."
Special PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love. The thrid album by Polly Jean was produced by Flood, known by his work with bands like U2, Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails. It's considered her breakthrough and also her best-selling album.
"Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water.
Come back here, man, gimme my daughter."
domingo, 3 de novembro de 2013
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Na faixa-título do álbum, Polly Jean experimenta as variações vocais. Ela abusa de um falsete praticamente histérico.
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. On title-track of "Rid Of Me", Polly Jean experiments her voice's variations. She abuses of a almost hysteric falsetto.
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. On title-track of "Rid Of Me", Polly Jean experiments her voice's variations. She abuses of a almost hysteric falsetto.
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. "Rid Of Me" é um álbum mais cru que "Dry" musicalmente falando. Ainda assim, a complexidade nas letras e a variação no uso da voz é o grande destaque nas canções deste disco. O falecido e renomado DJ da BBC John Peel sempre foi fã da pequena inglesa. O segundo single deste álbum é "Man-Size".
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Musically speaking, "Rid Of Me" is a album more raw than "Dry". Yet, lyrics' complexity and variation on use of voice is the great highlight on songs from this album. Gone and reputed BBC former DJ John Peel was always supporting Polly Jean. The second single of this album is "Man-Size".
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Musically speaking, "Rid Of Me" is a album more raw than "Dry". Yet, lyrics' complexity and variation on use of voice is the great highlight on songs from this album. Gone and reputed BBC former DJ John Peel was always supporting Polly Jean. The second single of this album is "Man-Size".
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me
Especial PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Produzido por Steve Albini (que já produziu álbuns de bandas como Pixies e Breeders), o trio de Polly Jean compôs um álbum aclamado pela crítica, com direito a posição 405 nos 500 maiores álbuns de todos os tempos da Revista Rolling Stone. Esta é uma das primeiras músicas que conheci da PJ Harvey. Punk alternativo.
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Produced by Steve Albini (who produced albums of bands such as Pixies and Breeders), Polly Jean and her trio composed a album acclaimed by critics, which was ranked at number 405 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.This is one of the first songs I knew from PJ Harvey. Alternative Punk.
Special PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me. Produced by Steve Albini (who produced albums of bands such as Pixies and Breeders), Polly Jean and her trio composed a album acclaimed by critics, which was ranked at number 405 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.This is one of the first songs I knew from PJ Harvey. Alternative Punk.
Especial PJ Harvey - Dry
Especial PJ Harvey - Dry. Segundo single de "Dry", "Sheela-Na-Gig" é de 100% autoria de Polly Jean. O título do som é uma referência às estátuas Sheela Na Gig, que são talhas figurativas de mulheres nuas mostrando uma vulva exagerada.
Coincidentemente, hoje tocou esta faixa no programa da Lauren Laverne, o que me leva a crer que este álbum é bastante querido no Reino Unido.
Special PJ Harvey - Dry. "Dry" second single, "Sheela-Na-Gig" is 100% composed by Polly Jean. The title of this tune is a reference to the Sheela Na Gig statues, which are figurative carvings of naked women showing a exaggerated vulva.
Coincidentally, this track played on Lauren Laverne's show, what makes me believe that this album is pretty beloved in UK.
Coincidentemente, hoje tocou esta faixa no programa da Lauren Laverne, o que me leva a crer que este álbum é bastante querido no Reino Unido.
Special PJ Harvey - Dry. "Dry" second single, "Sheela-Na-Gig" is 100% composed by Polly Jean. The title of this tune is a reference to the Sheela Na Gig statues, which are figurative carvings of naked women showing a exaggerated vulva.
Coincidentally, this track played on Lauren Laverne's show, what makes me believe that this album is pretty beloved in UK.
Especial PJ Harvey - Dry
Especial PJ Harvey - Dry. Polly Jean Harvey é uma cantora, compositora e musicista inglesa. Começou sua carreira em 1988 ao se juntar com a banda Automatic Dlamini, tocando saxofone. Em 91, ela formou um trio e deu início a sua carreira profissional.
"Dry" foi lançado em 92, produzido por Mark Vernon (jornalista e escritor), Rob Ellis (baterista da banda) e pela própria Polly Jean. A revista NME escolheu "Dry" como o número 71 dentre os 100 maiores álbuns de todos os tempos.
Special PJ Harvey - Dry. Polly Jean Harvey is a singer, songwriter and English musician. She started her career in 1988 when she joined with the band Automatic Dlamini, playing saxofone. In 91, she formed a trio and begun her professional career.
"Dry" was released in 92, produced by Mark Vernon (journalist and writer), Rob Ellis (band's drummer) and Polly Jean herself. NME magazine chose "Dry" as number 71 among the 100 Greatest Albuns All the Time.
"Dry" foi lançado em 92, produzido por Mark Vernon (jornalista e escritor), Rob Ellis (baterista da banda) e pela própria Polly Jean. A revista NME escolheu "Dry" como o número 71 dentre os 100 maiores álbuns de todos os tempos.
Special PJ Harvey - Dry. Polly Jean Harvey is a singer, songwriter and English musician. She started her career in 1988 when she joined with the band Automatic Dlamini, playing saxofone. In 91, she formed a trio and begun her professional career.
"Dry" was released in 92, produced by Mark Vernon (journalist and writer), Rob Ellis (band's drummer) and Polly Jean herself. NME magazine chose "Dry" as number 71 among the 100 Greatest Albuns All the Time.
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