Na busca da minha evolução pessoal, em um determinado momento deste ano percebi que precisava fazer algo mais; do jeito que estava, continuaria na mesma. Comecei a procurar alguma atividade para me ajudar a superar um bloqueio, até que encontrei uma tal de "análise bioenergética". Fundado por Alexander Lowen, que foi estudante de Wilhelm Reich nos anos 40, a bioenergética tem fundamento psicológico, de forma que através de movimentos corporais e da respiração amplia a energia e consequentemente traz para fora as emoções.
Cada pessoa é afetada por alguma experiência que tenha passado na vida. Dependendo da experiência, pode ter contraído algum músculo naquele instante, criando algum tipo de tensão que se torna um hábito sempre que vivencia uma situação parecida. A idéia da bioenergética é trazer à tona essa emoção. De acordo com Lowen, a análise bioenergética se apóia na proposição de que cada ser é seu corpo. A mente, o espírito e a alma são aspectos de qualquer corpo vivo. Um corpo sem vida não possuí mente, perdeu o espírito e a alma também o deixou. Quanto mais vivo for seu corpo, mais vibrante você estará no mundo.
Participo de um grupo de movimento semanalmente. Percebo que cada vez que pratico tais exercícios, me sinto mais energizado e relaxado. Falando assim pode soar abstrato, porém ocorreram diversas mudanças: desde aumentar minha percepção no que cada estímulo corporal quer dizer a como as pessoas me percebem só por estar na presença delas. Minha respiração melhorou, pois graças à bioenergética, ao inspirar eu trago o ar até o diafragma.
Em paralelo a isso, a bioenergética me rendeu uma amizade a qual tenho orgulho, respeito, carinho e gratidão. Ao saber que eu faço terapia, ela logo me convidou para uma meditação pra lá de inusitada. O conceito de meditação que eu tinha até então era de ficar quieto, centrado, de acordo com o que vi na Brahma Kumaris; o AUM (Awareness Understanding Meditation, numa tradução livre, Consciência, Compreensão e Meditação) no meu ponto de vista é como fazer um intensivão de aula de teatro, já que explora diversas emoções de uma só vez. O resultado disso é uma faxina emocional, além de uma sensação de paz interior.
Para quem faz ou já fez teatro, sabe que com a prática, torna-se suscetível a sentir, a viver mais intensamente. O AUM funciona da mesma maneira. Na segunda vez que participei, lembro que houve uma atividade em que precisava agir como na infância; me recordei de que gostava de fazer barulho com as panelas, de descer a escada de casa de cambalhota, enfim coisas que normalmente os pais não iriam permitir. O fato de eu ter colocado essa criança para fora me deu uma sensação de euforia que eu não me continha em rir de tão feliz que fiquei!
O AUM te faz ser mais criativo. Seus sentidos ficam mais apurados. Você tem mais amor à vida, você consegue se expressar melhor, você passa a se aceitar e a ficar mais consciente de suas atitudes. Como o AUM é realizado em grupos, tem mais um efeito semelhante ao teatro: a espontânea intimidade que é estabelecida entre os integrantes do grupo. É comovente notar o campo de energia criado pelo grupo através do companheirismo e afeto.
Em tão pouco tempo de prática da bioenergética e do AUM, sinto que as pessoas me percebem de uma maneira diferente de antes. Aquela energia que despertei ao exercer o Tai Chi Chuan hoje em dia é algo maior, poderoso e eu consigo manifestar com uma maior frequência. A paz interior é algo que dá vontade de manter para o resto da vida, mas devido ao cotidiano que levamos em uma cidade grande, cheia de distrações e motivos para nos deixar ansiosos ou depressivos, tudo isso impacta no nosso bem estar. Sinto que a realização de tais atividades faz de mim uma pessoa mais equilibrada, cheia de energia e feliz.
In the search of my personal evolution, in a certain moment this year I noticed that I needed to do something more; the way I was, I would still the same. I had started to look for some activity in order to overcome a problem, until I found Bioenergetic Analysis. Founded by Alexander Lowen, a Wilhelm Reich's student in the 40s, Bioenergetic has psychological groundwork, so that through body movements and breathing increases energy and consequently bring out the emotions.
Each person is affected by some experience which has passed in life. Depending on experience, it could contracted some muscle in that instant, creating some kind of tension which turns into a habit whenever it happens a similar situation. The Bioenergetic's idea is bring up this emotion. According to Lowen, Bioenergetic Analysis rests on the propostion of every being is your body. Mind, spirit and soul are aspects of any living body. A body with no life doesn't has mind, lost the spirit and also soul left him. The more vivid your body, more vibrant you will be in the world.
I take part of a movement group weekly. I acknowledge the more I pratice these exercises, I feel more energized and relaxed. Talking like this could sounds abstract; however, it happened several changes: since boost my perception in each body stimulation wants to say to how people look at me just by being in their presence. My breathing became better, because thanks to Bioenergetic, when I inspire I bring the air until diaphragm.
Parallel to this, Bioenergetic earned me a friendship which I has pride, respect, affection and gratitude. When she knew I have therapy sessions, soon she invited me to an unusual meditation. The meditation concept I had until then was being quiet, centered, in line with I saw at Brahma Kumaris; AUM (Awareness Understanding Meditation), in my point of view it's like to have a intensive acting class, since it explores several emotions at a time. The result is an emotional cleaning, besides a sense of a inner peace.
For those who have or who have already had acting class know that with pratice, became susceptible to feel, to live in a more sorely. AUM works in the same way. In the second time I took part, I remember I had an activity which I needed to act as in childhood; I revoked I liked to make noise with pots, go down the stairs tumbling, things normally parents wouldn't allow at last. The fact I put this kid out gave me a feeling of euphoria which I couldn't help laughing because I was so happy!
AUM makes you more creative. Your senses become more tenacious. You have more love to life, you can express yourself better, you start to accept yourself and become more conscious towards your attitudes. As AUM is accomplished in groups, there is one more effect like theatre: the spontaneous intimacy is established among group members. It's touching to notice the energy field created by group through fellowship and fondness.
In a short time doing Bioenergetics and AUM, I feel people perceive me in a different way than before. That energy I awoke through Tai Chi Chuan is bigger and powerful and I can manifest more frequently. Inner peace is something that makes me want to maintain for the rest of life, but due to everyday we have in a big city, with full of distractions and reasons to make us anxious or depressive, all this impacts on our welfare. I feel that doing such activities makes me a more balanced, full of energy and happy person.
domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014
domingo, 26 de outubro de 2014
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. A música "Ocean Spray" foi inspirada na bebida de suco de cranberry que James Bradfield levaria a sua mãe enquanto ela estava sob tratamento de câncer. Ela acabou falecendo com esta doença.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. The song "Ocean Spray" was inspired on cranberry juice drink which James Bradfield would take to his mother while she was under Cancer treatment. She died with this disease.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. The song "Ocean Spray" was inspired on cranberry juice drink which James Bradfield would take to his mother while she was under Cancer treatment. She died with this disease.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. Sexto álbum da banda galesa, "Know Your Enemy" conseguiu sucesso comercial pouco abaixo de seu predecessor. Dois singles foram lançados ao mesmo tempo deste álbum: "Found That Soul" e "So Why So Sad".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. Sixth album by Welsh band, "Know Your Enemy" achieved commercial success a little bit less than the previous album. Two singles were released at same time: "Found That Soul" and "So Why So Sad".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Know Your Enemy. Sixth album by Welsh band, "Know Your Enemy" achieved commercial success a little bit less than the previous album. Two singles were released at same time: "Found That Soul" and "So Why So Sad".
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Tsunami" foi inspirada pelos gêmeos June e Jennifer Gibbons, os quais desistiram de falar quando jovens, se envolveram em um crime e terminaram sendo enviados para um hospício.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Tsunami" was inspired by June and Jennifer Gibbons, a twins which gave up to talk when they are young, became involved in a crime and they ended being sent to hospice.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Tsunami" was inspired by June and Jennifer Gibbons, a twins which gave up to talk when they are young, became involved in a crime and they ended being sent to hospice.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "You Stole The Sun From My Heart" revela como Nick Wire detesta estar em turnê. Ele adora tocar ao vivo na mesma intensidade que odeia a rotina de viajar, checagem de som, hotéis e a saudade de casa que tudo isso lhe causa.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "You Stole The Sun From My Heart" reveals how Nick Wire hates to be in tours. He loves to play alive in the same intensity as he dislikes the routines to travel, sound checking, hotels and the homesickness that all of these caused in him.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "You Stole The Sun From My Heart" reveals how Nick Wire hates to be in tours. He loves to play alive in the same intensity as he dislikes the routines to travel, sound checking, hotels and the homesickness that all of these caused in him.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Nobody Loved You" foi single somente na terra do sol nascente.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Nobody Loved You" was single only in Japan.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. "Nobody Loved You" was single only in Japan.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. Depois de ficarem indecisos em usar nomes como "The Universal" (como o Blur fez) ou "The Eternal" (do Joy Division), Nick Wire optou em pegar o título emprestado do poema de seu irmão Patrick Jones: "The Everlasting".
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. After became indecided in which name they should use to their song such as "The Universal" (like Blur did) or "The Eternal" (by Joy Division), Nick Wire chosed the title from a poem by his brother Patrick Jones: "The Everlasting".
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. After became indecided in which name they should use to their song such as "The Universal" (like Blur did) or "The Eternal" (by Joy Division), Nick Wire chosed the title from a poem by his brother Patrick Jones: "The Everlasting".
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Especial Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. Quinto álbum da banda galesa, novamente conseguiram sucesso de crítica e de público. O tema de "If You Tolerate This" vem da guerra civil espanhola e o idealismo dos voluntários galeses que se juntaram à Brigada Internacional da esquerda lutando pela república espanhola contra o militarismo rebelde de Francisco Franco.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. Fifth album by Welsh band, they gained critics and public success again. The theme from "If You Tolerate This" comes from Spanish Civil War and the idealism from Welsh volunteers who joined the Left International Brigade fighting with Spanish Republic against the rebel militarism by Francisco Franco.
Special Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. Fifth album by Welsh band, they gained critics and public success again. The theme from "If You Tolerate This" comes from Spanish Civil War and the idealism from Welsh volunteers who joined the Left International Brigade fighting with Spanish Republic against the rebel militarism by Francisco Franco.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. O sentimento do som em "Australia" é sobre o lugar mais longe que se pode ir saindo do País de Gales e é uma metáfora para o desejo de Nick Wire escapar da turbulência emocional causada pelo desaparecimento de seu amigo próximo Richey Edwards.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. The feeling in "Australia" is about the place being the farthest that can go from Wales and also is a metaphor to Nick Wire's desire to escape from emotional turbulence caused by dissapearing of his friend Richey Edwards.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. The feeling in "Australia" is about the place being the farthest that can go from Wales and also is a metaphor to Nick Wire's desire to escape from emotional turbulence caused by dissapearing of his friend Richey Edwards.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Quarto single do aclamado álbum dos Manics é "Further Away".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. The Fourth single from acclaimed album by Manics is "Further Away".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. The Fourth single from acclaimed album by Manics is "Further Away".
domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. "Kevin Carter" é um fotógrafo que ganhou o prêmio Pulitzer de 1994. Sua letra foi escrita exclusivamente pelo guitarrista desaparecido Richey Edwards.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. "Kevin Carter" was a photographer which won the Pulitzer awards from 1994, portraying the starving in Sudan, in 93. He commited suicide to 33 years, in July 27, 1994. Lyrics was composed exclusively by guitarrist Richey Edwards.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. "Kevin Carter" was a photographer which won the Pulitzer awards from 1994, portraying the starving in Sudan, in 93. He commited suicide to 33 years, in July 27, 1994. Lyrics was composed exclusively by guitarrist Richey Edwards.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Segundo single do álbum é a faixa título "Everything Must Go". Este álbum é marcado pelo uso de cordas e sintetizadores, com um apelo comercial e seguindo o movimento Britpop da época.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Second single from album is the title track "Everything Must Go". This album is highlighted by use of cords and synthetizers, with a commercial appeal and following the Britpop movement that time.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Second single from album is the title track "Everything Must Go". This album is highlighted by use of cords and synthetizers, with a commercial appeal and following the Britpop movement that time.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. O quarto álbum dos Manics é marcado por ser o primeiro sem contar com o guitarrista Richey Edwards. O álbum teve sucesso comercial e de crítica em meio aos anos 90, tanto que é considerado um dos melhores álbuns da década. "A Design For Life" teve inspiração no título de um EP do Joy Division chamado "An Ideal For Living". Até então, minha preferida deles!
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Fourth album by Manics is the first without Richey Edwards. Album achieves commercial and critics success in the middle of the 90, so that is considered one of the best albuns by decade. "A Design For Life" had inspiration on Joy Division's EP called "An Ideal For Living". One of my favourite songs by Manics!
Special Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go. Fourth album by Manics is the first without Richey Edwards. Album achieves commercial and critics success in the middle of the 90, so that is considered one of the best albuns by decade. "A Design For Life" had inspiration on Joy Division's EP called "An Ideal For Living". One of my favourite songs by Manics!
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. De acordo com Richey Edwards, o título de "She Is Suffering" refere-se a Desejo. Em outras bíblias e livros sagrados, nenhuma verdade é possível até você se esvaziar de desejo. Todo compromisso torna-se uma conveniência falsa, caso contrário.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. According to Richey Edwards, the title of "She Is Suffering" refers to Wish. In others bibles and sacred books, no truth is possible until you empty yourself by wish. All compromise become a fake convenience, otherwise.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. According to Richey Edwards, the title of "She Is Suffering" refers to Wish. In others bibles and sacred books, no truth is possible until you empty yourself by wish. All compromise become a fake convenience, otherwise.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. A letra de "Revol" cita vários nomes famosos na história, como Che Guevara e Gorbachev. A versão inglesa é detestada por James Bradfield, preferindo a versão americana.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. The lyrics of "Revol" mention some famous name on history, such as Che Guevara and Gorbachev. English version is hated by James Bradfield, preferring the U.S. version.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. The lyrics of "Revol" mention some famous name on history, such as Che Guevara and Gorbachev. English version is hated by James Bradfield, preferring the U.S. version.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible
Especial Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. O terceiro álbum da banda de País de Gales foi marcado pela depressão, abuso de álcool, anorexia e automutilação do guitarrista Richey Edwards. "The Holy Bible" foi o último álbum antes do desaparecimento dele, no dia primeiro de fevereiro de 1995.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. The third album by band from Wales was highlighted by depression, alcohol abuse, anorexia and self-mutilation of guitarrist Richey Edwards. "The Holy Bible" was the last album before his disappearance, on February 1, 1995.
Special Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible. The third album by band from Wales was highlighted by depression, alcohol abuse, anorexia and self-mutilation of guitarrist Richey Edwards. "The Holy Bible" was the last album before his disappearance, on February 1, 1995.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. Para o guitarrista Richey Edwards, "Life Becoming a Landslide" revela uma exploração poética da metamorfose da criança e do papel do adulto.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. To the guitarrist Richey Edwards, "Life Becoming a Landslide" reveals an poetic exploitation to child's metamorphosis and adult's role.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. To the guitarrist Richey Edwards, "Life Becoming a Landslide" reveals an poetic exploitation to child's metamorphosis and adult's role.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. No final da música "Roses In The Hospital", os Manics fazem uma referência ao The Clash ao cantar: "Rudi gonna fail", que lembra "Rudi Can't Fail", música que consta no álbum "London Calling". Para os Manics, The Clash é uma de suas maiores inspirações.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. In the end of the song "Roses In The Hospital", Manics made a reference to The Clash singing "Rudi gonna fail", which remembers "Rudi Can't Fail", song that contained in "London Calling" album. To the Manics, The Clash is one of the biggest inspirations.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. In the end of the song "Roses In The Hospital", Manics made a reference to The Clash singing "Rudi gonna fail", which remembers "Rudi Can't Fail", song that contained in "London Calling" album. To the Manics, The Clash is one of the biggest inspirations.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. "La Tristesse Durera" é o título de uma biografia de Vincent Van Gogh, embora o som não é sobre o pintor, mas sobre um veterano de guerra.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. "La Tristesse Durera" is a title of a Vincent Van Gogh's biography, although song is not about the painter, but about a war veteran.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. "La Tristesse Durera" is a title of a Vincent Van Gogh's biography, although song is not about the painter, but about a war veteran.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. Menos político que o álbum anterior, "Gold Against The Soul" é mais reflexivo sobre os temas desespero e melancolia.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. Less political than previous album, "Gold Against The Soul" is more reflexive about dispair and melancholia.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul. Less political than previous album, "Gold Against The Soul" is more reflexive about dispair and melancholia.
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Ao escutar nesta semana este som, me deu uma sensação de nostalgia. Já conhecia este som mas não sabia que era deles.
A letra de "Motorcycle Emptiness" é inspirada no livro de S. E. Hinton - "Rumble Fish". Ela é interpretada pela banda como um ataque ao cinismo no estilo de vida consumista oferecida pelo capitalismo.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. When I listened to this track this week, it gave me a nostalgia feeling. Another song I've known but I didn't know it was Manics. "Motorcycle Emptiness" lyrics is inspired by S. E. Hinton's book called "Rumble Fish". It is interpreted by band as an attack to the cynicism on consumerist life style offered by capitalism.
A letra de "Motorcycle Emptiness" é inspirada no livro de S. E. Hinton - "Rumble Fish". Ela é interpretada pela banda como um ataque ao cinismo no estilo de vida consumista oferecida pelo capitalismo.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. When I listened to this track this week, it gave me a nostalgia feeling. Another song I've known but I didn't know it was Manics. "Motorcycle Emptiness" lyrics is inspired by S. E. Hinton's book called "Rumble Fish". It is interpreted by band as an attack to the cynicism on consumerist life style offered by capitalism.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. A banda descreveu este som como "os Stones tocando metal" e a influência do riff de guitarra são de guitarristas como Slash e Michael Schenker. O título desta faixa foi inspirada no exército estadunidense durante a guerra do Vietnã.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Band described this track as "Stones playing metal" and guitar riff's influence are from guitarrists like Slash and Michael Schenker. The title of this track was inspired by US Army during Vietnam war.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Band described this track as "Stones playing metal" and guitar riff's influence are from guitarrists like Slash and Michael Schenker. The title of this track was inspired by US Army during Vietnam war.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Sabe quando você escuta um álbum e percebe que há músicas que você conhece - e gosta? "You Love Us" é uma delas. Não sabia que era do Manic... Também, é o single mais famoso deste álbum.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Do you know when you listen to an album and notice there are some songs you know - and like them? "You Love Us" is one of them. I didn't know it was a Manic's song. Also, it's the most famous track from this album.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Do you know when you listen to an album and notice there are some songs you know - and like them? "You Love Us" is one of them. I didn't know it was a Manic's song. Also, it's the most famous track from this album.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. "Love's Sweet Exile" era chamado originalmente de "Faceless Sense of Void". A principal diferença entre as duas é que a versão original não tem o refrão da versão gravada.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. "Love's Sweet Exile" was called originally "Faceless Sense of Void". The main difference between them it's in original version doesn't have the chorus of recorded version.
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. "Love's Sweet Exile" was called originally "Faceless Sense of Void". The main difference between them it's in original version doesn't have the chorus of recorded version.
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Especial Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Direto do País de Gales, o primeiro álbum dos Manics é datado de 92. Formado por James Dean Bradfield (vocal e guitarra), Nick Wire (baixo), Sean Moore (bateria) e Richey Edwards (guitarra). Produzido por Steve Brown, "Generation Terrorists" ganhou um prêmio pela revista Q como álbum clássico. Primeiro single do álbum: "Stay Beautiful".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Band from Wales, the first album by Manics is from 92. Formed by James Dean Bradfield (singer and guitar), Nick Wire (bass), Sean Moore (drums) and Richey Edwards (guitar). Produced by Steve Brown, "Generation Terrorists" won a prize by Q magazine as classic album. First single from this album: "Stay Beautiful".
Special Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists. Band from Wales, the first album by Manics is from 92. Formed by James Dean Bradfield (singer and guitar), Nick Wire (bass), Sean Moore (drums) and Richey Edwards (guitar). Produced by Steve Brown, "Generation Terrorists" won a prize by Q magazine as classic album. First single from this album: "Stay Beautiful".
Especial AC/DC - Black Ice
Especial AC/DC - Black Ice. "Big Jack" ficou entre as 100 melhores músicas de 2008 segundo a revista Rolling Stone.
Special AC/DC - Black Ice. "Big Jack" was among the 100 best songs of 2008 according to Rolling Stone magazine.
Special AC/DC - Black Ice. "Big Jack" was among the 100 best songs of 2008 according to Rolling Stone magazine.
Especial AC/DC - Black Ice
Especial AC/DC - Black Ice. Décimo quarto álbum de estúdio da banda australiana, "Black Ice" foi produzido por Brendan O' Brien. O último álbum do AC/DC demorou para ser lançado, pois o baixista Cliff Williams ficou machucado e a banda mudou de gravadora.
Special AC/DC - Black Ice. 14th studio album by Australian band, "Black Ice" was produced by Brendan O' Brien. The last album by AC/DC was delayed to be released, because bass player Cliff Williams was injured and band changed the label record.
Special AC/DC - Black Ice. 14th studio album by Australian band, "Black Ice" was produced by Brendan O' Brien. The last album by AC/DC was delayed to be released, because bass player Cliff Williams was injured and band changed the label record.
Especial AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip
Especial AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. O video de "Safe In New York City" foi gravado em um túnel congestionado na cidade, com policiais ao redor. A faixa ganhou maior destaque após os ataques de 11 de setembro.
Special AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. "Safe In New York City" video was recorded in a crowded tunnel in the city, with lots of policemen around. Track became more highlights after September 11 attack.
Special AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. "Safe In New York City" video was recorded in a crowded tunnel in the city, with lots of policemen around. Track became more highlights after September 11 attack.
Especial AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip
Especial AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. Álbum lançado no ano 2000, "Stiff Upper Lip" foi escrito pelos irmãos Young. Produzido por George Young, o irmão mais velho de Malcolm e Angus, o álbum atingiu a venda de mais de um milhão de cópias só nos Estados Unidos.
Special AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. Album released in 2000, "Stiff Upper Lip" was written by Young brothers. Produced by George Young, the oldest brother of Malcolm and Angus, this album has sold more than 1 million copies only in United States.
Special AC/DC - Stiff Upper Lip. Album released in 2000, "Stiff Upper Lip" was written by Young brothers. Produced by George Young, the oldest brother of Malcolm and Angus, this album has sold more than 1 million copies only in United States.
domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker. Considero "Hail Caesar" a primeira música que conheci da banda. Coincide com a época que comecei a assistir MTV. Sim, trata-se de uma referência ao general romano Júlio César.
Special AC/DC - Ballbreaker. I consider "Hail Caesar" the first song I knew form AC/DC. It matches with the time I start to watch MTV. Yes, it's a reference to Roman general Julius Caesar.
Special AC/DC - Ballbreaker. I consider "Hail Caesar" the first song I knew form AC/DC. It matches with the time I start to watch MTV. Yes, it's a reference to Roman general Julius Caesar.
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker. Segundo single do álbum "Ballbreaker", "Cover You In Oil" fala sobre as fantasias sexuais com uma jovem garota.
Special AC/DC - Ballbreaker. Second single from album "Ballbreaker", "Cover You In Oil" talks about sexual fantasies with a young girl.
Special AC/DC - Ballbreaker. Second single from album "Ballbreaker", "Cover You In Oil" talks about sexual fantasies with a young girl.
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker. Décimo terceiro álbum de estúdio da banda australiana, "Ballbreaker" foi lançado após um hiato de 5 anos. Produzido por Rick Rubin, o álbum conta com o retorno do baterista Phil Rudd, que saiu da banda em 83 devido ao atrito com Malcolm Young; o guitarrista tinha problemas com abuso de álcool e drogas.
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker.13th studio album from Australian band, "Ballbreaker" was released after a gap of 5 years. Produced by Rick Rubin, album counts with the return of Phil Rudd on drums, which went out of the band in 83 due to a friction with Malcolm Young; guitarrist had problems abusing of alcool and drugs.
Especial AC/DC - Ballbreaker.13th studio album from Australian band, "Ballbreaker" was released after a gap of 5 years. Produced by Rick Rubin, album counts with the return of Phil Rudd on drums, which went out of the band in 83 due to a friction with Malcolm Young; guitarrist had problems abusing of alcool and drugs.
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge. No vídeo de "Are You Ready", presos assistem ao show do AC/DC. Are you ready for a good time?
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. On "Are You Ready" video, prisoners watch AC/DC's concert. Are you ready for a good time?
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. On "Are You Ready" video, prisoners watch AC/DC's concert. Are you ready for a good time?
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge. Um dos maiores sucessos do AC/DC é "Moneytalks". Nenhum outro som da banda fez tanto sucesso nos Estados Unidos. Foi a partir daqui que foi lançado o "Angus bucks", a nota de um dólar com a foto do Angus Young.
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. One of the biggest success of AC/DC is "Moneytalks". None of other song of the band made bigger success on United States. Since then was released "Angus bucks", one dollar with Angus Young's picture.
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. One of the biggest success of AC/DC is "Moneytalks". None of other song of the band made bigger success on United States. Since then was released "Angus bucks", one dollar with Angus Young's picture.
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge
Especial AC/DC - The Razors Edge. Produzido por Bruce Fairnbairn, "The Razors Edge" é o único álbum a contar com o baterista Chris Slade. O álbum atingiu a marca de mais de 5 milhões de cópias vendidas. Uma das preferidas da casa, "Thunderstruck" é uma das poucas faixas lançadas depois do álbum "Back In Black" que é executada regularmente nos shows da banda.
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. Produced by Bruce Fairnbairn, "the Razors Edge" was the only album having Chris Slade as drummer. Album reached more than 5 millions copies sold. One of my favourites, "Thunderstruck" is one of the few songs released after the album "Back In Black" that is executed frequently in band's concert.
Special AC/DC - The Razors Edge. Produced by Bruce Fairnbairn, "the Razors Edge" was the only album having Chris Slade as drummer. Album reached more than 5 millions copies sold. One of my favourites, "Thunderstruck" is one of the few songs released after the album "Back In Black" that is executed frequently in band's concert.
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. Começando a semana com uma sonzera da melhor banda de rock da terra dos cangurus! That's the way I wanna rock n' roll!!!
Special AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. Starting the week with a great song from the best rock band of Australia! That's the way I wanna rock n' roll!!!
Special AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. Starting the week with a great song from the best rock band of Australia! That's the way I wanna rock n' roll!!!
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. O décimo primeiro álbum do AC/DC foi gravado na França, em Le Val. Produzido por Harry Vanda e George Young, "Blow Up Your Video" fez a banda voltar ao topo das paradas musicais.
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. The eleventh album by AC/DC was recorded in France, Le Val. Produced by Harry Vanda and George Young, "Blow Up Your Video" made band back to the top music charts.
Especial AC/DC - Blow Up Your Video. The eleventh album by AC/DC was recorded in France, Le Val. Produced by Harry Vanda and George Young, "Blow Up Your Video" made band back to the top music charts.
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. "Shake Your Foundations" também faz parte da trilha sonora de "Maximum Overdrive", filme de Stephen King. Há uma versão remix deste som; mais curta, a bateria começa aos 17 segundos e a banda inteira toca junto aos 48 segundos.
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. "Shake Your Foundations" also included in "Maximum Overdrive" soundtrack, a Stephen King's film. There is a remix version of this song; shorter, drums starts at 17 seconds and the whole band play together at 48 seconds.
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. "Shake Your Foundations" also included in "Maximum Overdrive" soundtrack, a Stephen King's film. There is a remix version of this song; shorter, drums starts at 17 seconds and the whole band play together at 48 seconds.
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Angus e Malcolm Young optaram em fazer um som mais cru e mais simples quando o que fazia sucesso era a onda do glam metal. Segundo single do álbum "Fly On The Wall" é "Sink The Pink".
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Angus and Malcolm Young decided to create a more raw and more simple song when what made success that time was glam metal. Second single from album "Fly On The Wall" is "Sink The Pink".
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Angus and Malcolm Young decided to create a more raw and more simple song when what made success that time was glam metal. Second single from album "Fly On The Wall" is "Sink The Pink".
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall
Especial AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Décimo álbum de estúdio lançado pelo AC/DC, "Fly On The Wall" foi produzido pela própria banda. Não foi um álbum bem recebido pelas críticas e isso se refletiu nas baixas vendas. Primeiro single deste álbum: "Danger".
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Tenth studio album released by AC/DC, "Fly On The Wall" was produced by the own band. It wasn't a well received album by critics and this reflected in low sales. First single from this album: "Danger".
Special AC/DC - Fly On The Wall. Tenth studio album released by AC/DC, "Fly On The Wall" was produced by the own band. It wasn't a well received album by critics and this reflected in low sales. First single from this album: "Danger".
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